DIY: Distressed Jean Shorts

“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.”
-Rachel Zoe

Well, I have now figured out that it will be a lot harder for me to post everyday. With school work and class it just isn’t going to be possible to post everyday but I WILL post as frequently as I can (at least 3 times a week).

Today I am showing you a picture of two pairs of shorts I made. I went to Goodwill and found a pair of pants that fit me at the desired height, in this case I was going for high-waist shorts.

After finding a pair that fit, I began to distress them by using sandpaper, scissors, and a wood rasp that I found in my moms tool box.  Folding the shorts in half I cut at a slight angle to remove the excess fabric that I did not want. I then used the wood rasp to fray the edges of the pants. I then decided where I wanted holes to be and how distressed I wanted my shorts to be.

I cut a tiny hole where ever I desired one and then used both sand paper and the wood rasp to scrape the jeans until they became holey and fail. You must be patient with this process, it does take some time to get to the certain look you are going for.


  1. u should add more pictures !!!! but awesome job!!!!

    1. I know I was thinking I needed more pictures too! But I don’t have any shirts to cut up right now! I will update it with more pictures next week!

  2. oops meant pants!

  3. Loving your post. Great ideas. So creative. Keep them coming.

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